Download programs

CRISPRCasFinder standalone version

CRISPRCasViewer standalone version

Manual for CRISPRCasFinder and CRISPRCasViewer standalone

Download containers

CRISPRCasFinder singularity container :

Get the CRISPRCasFinder program in a singularity container, pre-installed and packed with all its dependencies. You'll need singularity > v2.2.

NOTE : The CRISPRCasFinder standalone program is in the /usr/local/CRISPRCasFinder directory.

Command example : "singularity exec -B $PWD CrisprCasFinder.simg perl /usr/local/CRISPRCasFinder/ -so /usr/local/CRISPRCasFinder/ -cf /usr/local/CRISPRCasFinder/CasFinder-2.0.3 -drpt /usr/local/CRISPRCasFinder/supplementary_files/repeatDirection.tsv -rpts /usr/local/CRISPRCasFinder/supplementary_files/Repeat_List.csv -cas -def G -out RES21092020_2 -in sequence.fasta"

Download database & datasets

CRISPRCasdb (SQL Dump):

CRISPRCasdb class diagram:

CRISPRCasdb direct repeats :

CRISPRCasdb spacers :